by Allison Hays | Aug 1, 2019 | Best practice
Recently, I decided to have a look and see what new ways I could find to increase my productivity by finding new software and creating alerts. I was prompted to explore by the recent rise in emails that have come to my inbox that have no address on them. Intrigued by...
by Allison Hays | Jun 13, 2019 | Ideas and Inspiration
It’s a working day, and for some reason you can’t connect. As the minutes pass you can feel the anxiety levels creeping up, because there’s emails to send and things to be done. It’s not the end of the world, it’s just a little reminder...
by Allison Hays | May 9, 2019 | Best practice
We all know the phrase, it only takes 1 bad apple to spoil the bunch and the few that were in the adviser barrel have certainly changed the Financial Services space. Trust is in short supply with some of the heroes in advice having been shown to be less than...
by Allison Hays | Feb 21, 2019 | Ideas and Inspiration
There’s over 1.1 billion dollars in lost bank accounts, shares and life insurance payouts waiting to be claimed. But wait, there’s more! There’s also money held in Trust by state governments, which hold unclaimed money from deceased estates, share...
by Allison Hays | Feb 7, 2019 | Ideas and Inspiration
There’s an influx of emails in the mailbox and lots of pop up ads whenever I start looking on the net. Does that sound familiar? Many commercial sites have bots in the background that track their visitors and target them when they are surfing the net. Looking for a...